People, Media and Machines

Depending on the people you like to address I draft and write texts for experts and laypersons. I implement online and print media in Englishand in German language. 

We evaluate what makes you and your project unique. We focus on the message you would like to convey. Next, we develop a communication strategy for you, and then I carry out our plans. I enjoy it to put themes and topics in a nutshell and in shape:

Range Of Services


Concept development, copywriting, text and image editing, text optimization for search engines, optimization of keywords and meta information in a CMS like TYPO3 that offers several advatages.

Continuous content edition.


Research, concept development, online editorial services for texts and images, news desk, link management


Continuous copywriting, text and image edition, searches, concept development, text optimization for search engines, link management


Portraits, interviews, features, reports, news

Press Releases

Concept development, copywriting, text and image editing, management

Website Check

Is your website popular or do potential readers surf elsewhere? Do users and search engines find what they are looking for? I would like to improve your site for search engines and the people you want to address.


Depending on your objective (binding members, communicating research results to a broad audience, involving stakeholders, unifying research groups, ..) and according to the needs of your target group, I research contents, text your messages and manage newsletters. 

Public Relations (PR)

Text and image editing for brochures, flyers, folders, roll-up-banners, Wikipedia entries

Social Media

Management and editorial services for Social Media like Twitter.

Textbooks And Non-Fiction Books

Concept development, exposés, text and image editing, managing editor, correspondence with authors, scientific and popular science books

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