DFG Research Unit RU816

Book: Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador

Assistant editor, managing editor, image and text editing

Ecological Studies Series: Vol. 221

103 authors, 440 pages, 110 illustrations, 32 illustrations in color

Buch, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-38137-9

From a book review:
"Putting together an interdisciplinary book like this was certainly a major challenge.... It is a fine book, an extraordinary, well-written, and well-produced synthesis of interdisciplinary work – and it educates" (Luque S, 2014, p. 304, review in Mountain Research and Development, doi: 10.1659/mrd.mm142)

From the preface:
"Our assistant editor, Dr. Esther Schwarz-Weig (Mistelgau), deserves a special praise for her outstanding perseverance and patience in collecting, editing, and commenting on the chapters. Without her help, this book would certainly never have been realized." (Bendix, J., Beck, E., 2013, p. vii, Preface, pdf)

Phycology Section

German Brochure: Algen in der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland

Text and image edition, layout

Welche phykologischen Analysen geeignet sind, die Wassergüte von Flüssen, Seen und Meeren in Deutschland zu beurteilen, fasst das Mini-Review zusammen. Denn seit dem Jahr 2000 müssen alle EU-Mitgliedsstaaten den ökologischen Zustand ihrer Gewässer kontinuierlich überwachen und bei Überschreiten eines bedenklichen Zustands Sanierungs- bzw. Renaturierungsmaßnahmen einleiten. Der Artikel stellt die Verfahren vor und nennt die Algen und phykologischen Parameter, die zum Monitoring der deutschen Habitate herangezogen werden. Ein umfangreiches Literatur- und Webadressenverzeichnis runden die Übersicht ab.

Broschüre: www.dbp-phykologie.de (pdf)

DFG Research Unit 402

Buch: Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador

Assistant editor, managing editor, text and image edition

104 authors, 520 pages

Book, Publisher: Springer, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-540-73525-0

Preface (pdf at the publisher)

Contents (pdf at the publisher)

From a book review:

"...The many illustrations throughout the book are clear and informative. ... Evidently, considerable attention has been invested in the visual representation of findings and ideas. For me, this investment paid off, and those responsible deserve praise for a job well done...".Book Review by Paul M. Ramsay, UK, in the Journal Mountain Research and Development

Tanzanian-German Centre for Postgraduate Studies in Law (TGCL)

English Brochure | Bulletin, 12 pages

Text and image edition, layout

Edited on the occasion of inauguration of the centre that offers postgraduate LLM and PhD programms to aspiring lawyers and law students.

Bulletin: www.tgcl.uni-bayreuth.de